Another Blood Bowl game had reached it's climax and Jonas Humerus, Liche coach of the Undead Team, Templehof Doom, could only watch as, with a thunderous shoulder charge, Balzak the Dark of the Chaos team crushed another skeleton to dust. It was the last play of the game and Jonas waved the clean up crew onto the pitch as the hulking Chaos warriors trooped past him. They were followed by the snorting hordes of the Beastmen and bringing up the rear was the huge form of Gygax, the Minotaur. Jonas stared at him in awe; he had been a beautiful sight on the pitch and had personally dispatched several of the Undead team himself during the game and it was only because of a frantic arcane ritual carried out on the sidelines that Jonas still had two Mummies available to play the following week. Mummies were ok, thought Jonas, but if he could have a Minotaur, his own Minotaur....well, then I'd win a few games.
In the throne room of his palace in the Chaos wastes, Tzeentch, God of change, turned from the scrying ball which he had used to illegally watch the latest Cabalvision cast of that weeks Blood Bowl game and beckoned to his servant. "That Gygax is a wonderful sight, Felcher, a truly wonderous sight. I wonder if there's a better Minotaur in any of the Chaos teams....". He fell silent and Felcher offered his own thoughts.
"I think probably not, Lord, and he's a favourite with the Lord khorne. I know he's anxious to see him soon and bestow".
Tzeentch stiffened at the very mention of Khorne's name. "Typical!" he hissed, he always gets the best players! It's not fair Felcher! It's not fair!" Tzeentch stood and stamped his foot on the paved floor, "I want that Mino for myself, Felcher. That'll give me my own personal player and....", he paused, "....and it will really, really piss off Khorne...". Felcher's shoulders dropped, he knew what was coimng next and was half turning to leave as Tzeentch shouted "Yes! get down there Felcher, find the Mino, give it a few things, you know what I like - some big pinchers always look good - tart him up a bit and then come back". He started laughing, "Gods! I can't wait to see the look on Khorne's face"
There was a flash of light, a puff of smoke and Felcher found himself in a field adjacent to the Blood Bowl pitch. He looked around but could see nobody about. The only living things, in fact, were a few cows idly chewing the cud a few feet away from him. He heard a sound and spun round just in time to catch the entire Chaos team, Gygax included, mount their transport and hurry off to whatever cursed place they currently called home. "Bollocks!", muttered Felcher. He knew he couldn't go back to Tzeentch with nothing. Visions of hot, sharp, pointy things being inserted into soft, fleshy things filled his imagination and he shivered. Lost in thought he hadn't noticed the smallest cow wander over to take a closer look at him. He startled as it nuzzled his hand with it's big, wet nose and he stepped back into a feshly laid cow pat. "Oh, brilliant!", he screamed, "Could this get any worse! you stupid bloody cow! you Stupid....little...cow....with tiny horns....and a bull like face...." Very slowly a smile crept across Felcher's face as the germ of an idea took root in his brain.
Back in the Throne room, Tzeentch turned as Felcher entered. "All done", he bellowed.
"Oh yes", replied Felcher, "You have you very own Minotaur to cheer on in the Blood Bowl games".
"Excellent", squaled Tzeentch, "that's great news. How did Gygax accept my gift? was he pleased?!
"Errr....", stammered Felcher, "Not quite, no. You see, he wasn't there, he'd gone. Knowing you would be very disappointed I did the next best thing and found a new beast fpr you. I gave it everything it needed. It'll be the best thing to run out on the pitch in aeons. You'll love it!"
"You found another beast?", asked Tzeentch suspiciously, "Another Minotaur?"
"Not quite", said Felcher, "It was a coogghhhwww" he muuttered.
"A what?"
"A cow", said Felcher, wincing, "It was a cow"
Jonas Humerus left the dressing rooms, dreams of his own Minotaur still filling his mind when a sudden noise startled him. Looking up he saw a...a...well, he wasn't sure really. It looked a bit like Little Daisy from the field next door but it was walking upright. It's gait was unsteady, not just because it was unused to it's new bipedal existence but because it had been dressed in some ornate, pink, high heeled boots. Where it's front legs should have been were 2 arms, bulging with muscles, that ended in blue claws. These were supplemented by an additional pair of arms - you can never have to many arms is a common Chaos cry. Her horns had grown huge and looked as sharp as spears. He couldn't look at her too long as his eyes began to water and he began to feel a little nauseous. The thing that was Daisy tottered over to Jonas and with a pained voice mooed "Bloood Boooowl". Jonas looked up and smiled. She might be small but she would do for now, yes, she would do for now.....
Little Daisy - special player at the one day BUBBA Bowl tournament on 27th February 2015:
MA5 ST3 AG2 AV7 - Loner, Disturbing Presence, Horns
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